Thursday, October 13, 2005

Planning Ahead

One challenge that I seem to come up against is the fact I have a few different accounts out there, and it isn't always easy to access my funds across those accounts. Sure it can done, but it requires some better advanced planning on my part, which isn't always my strength when it comes to financial things.

Example. I just received a couple pretty good sized payments via PayPal. I have the PayPal debit card and sometimes use that for gasoline and groceries. It would take 2-3 days for any amount that I transfer from PayPal to appear in my checking account. Then, if I wanted to make some sort of on-line payment to a credit card, or make a payment via check to my car, it would take a few more days. Since the payment date on those items is coming up rather quickly, it takes some quick decisions on my part to make it happen. Quick decisions are not my forte.

Right now, I think I'm going to transfer a portion of these payments to my checking account, and then make a larger-than-normal payment to my credit card. (Min payment is $50, I was planning $200, now I think I'll do $400) The card is 0% APR for the next 10 months, but I'd still like to get it paid.

On the other hand, I have two savings accounts, one with ING and the other with VirtualBank. Looking through Yodlee, I've got just over $2400 in those accounts, with a purchase of about $2000 coming up. What I think I'll do with this is make the purchase with my other credit card, then transfer the money I need into my checking account, and then pay off the card before there is any payment or interest due.

The bad news will be that my savings will be just about depleted. The good news is that I will have saved up for a major purchase and paid cash for it. Rather painlessly, too.

My other project...with the local FSN station...appears to be coming together. My contact there has said that they are building the page and logo now, and I should be posting there soon. Once that money starts coming in, I'm going to bulk up my savings and investments a little more. I think I'm going to do a minimum of $100 to the Sharebuilder account monthly, (Up from the $50 now) and perhaps double my other savings from $200 a month to $400 month. This should still give me a couple hundred dollars more per month for my bills and expenses, plus allow me to save for some more planned expenses coming up in the spring of next year.

Sounds easier to make decisions when I write them out in this fashion.

I'd like to also thank the two sponsors who have helped out the site and my financials by purchasing a blogad in the right hand column. Give them a visit...


Anonymous said...

The good news is that I will have saved up for a major purchase and paid cash for it. Rather painlessly, too.

Congratulations on using your savings in a positive way. It's a much better result than going in debt for the purchase. Also, best of luck in the new project coming sounds as if it will be both fun and bring in a few extra dollars.

Anonymous said...

I have the same problem you have with money all over the place, that's why I like keeping a good chunk of my money at a bank that gives both good interest and checking account access.

Congrats on paying cash for a big purchase, I was pretty happy to pay for my last car in cash.