Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Month End Update

Here's something I haven't provided the last couple months, a financial snapshot.

I'm a little disappointed in my progress at this point. The credit card balance is back up there, and so I'm sort of starting from scratch. It went to a good cause, but it's still an blight on the record here.

The car payment has come down a bit since the beginning of the year, and the other positive balances have gone up.

In the coming months, I expect to be investing in a bit of jewelry. That's sort of what the VirtualBank funds are earmarked for at this point.

I may need another big November to put me back into where I'd like to be by the end of the year. I was hoping to actually forego the fund raiser on my other site, but it's looking like I'm going to need to go to that well once more.

I'd like to have the car and credit card debt paid off by the end of the year. Four months to make it happen and go into 2006 with a pretty clean slate!


Jose Anes said...

Tracking progress is a good first step.

Seems like there has to be a little more effort at reducing "needs"/"wants" (frugal style), or increasing the income by just a tid bit (any good side business ideas?)

Like weight, debt can be reduced by two approaches: diet and working it out.

Money And Investing

Side Business

B said...

The credit card debt is currently on a one year 0% APR. I plan to wipe it out before then.